Open from-to: 02.April bis 01.Oktober
Comparison price: 25,00 Euro ( price per night with car, caravan und 2 adults and 1 child in the main season incl. all costs. )
Views (Last 30 days): 66
Campsite MAKA... In 2005 we have taken over the campsite "Camping Maka". We succeded in getting one of the last perfect places of nature in Belgium. Luxemburg and France are just a couple of miles away and easy to get to. Since the beginning we did a lot to improve the campsite, but we have to do a lot more. Some things you'll get always e.g. the clean are, the natural beauty, our dedication, the unique spot, the cosyness et cetra... The internetsite suplies you with some information, we would like to onform you personaly at the campsite with everything you want to know. A bientôt!
The campsite... Our campsite has everything you need, but always with enjoying the calming peace of the nature in the background. We have made some space in our Belgium Pub to have nice conversations, to eat breakfast, lunch or dinner or just to drink some nice Belgium beers. During the (maybe) colder spring season you can enjoy the warmth of our firestove in the puband its nice to enjoy the views over the river "La Semois" and the forest through the big windows. Our terras is devided in two levels, one rigth next to the river and one a little higher with a small roof. Next to our terras there is a big trampoline, some climbing facilities, a tabletennis court for the kids, so they can enjoy thereselves also. In the summer, the river is a ideal playground for the kids. It's shallow and save to play in "Le Gué du Maka".
size: 7 ha brutto
Places: 38
Places accomodation: -